I have been to the countryside for the weekend and it was lovely. We drove to the mountains and we met gypsies, and old people and even older people.
These people live a life so far from what I do and they work so hard. I met an old lady in one village and I'm sertain that if she lived somewhere else, like in a city, she would not be as active as she was. She would be sitting at home complaining about her back or something like that.
The people in Portugal is do friendly and warm and welcoming. I don't thing I have ever met friendlier people. If you ask any of them if you can take their picture, they don't hesitate, but they say yes instantly. Even if they are working. Like this man, we just rolled down the window and asked if we could take his picture ans then he stopes the carrige and lets us photograph him.

This woman was deaf. But she had no problems being photographed. She has a great face. And she was very strong. I don't think she is very old, but because of all the hard work her face is carved with age.

This young boy goes to school in the city in the week and in the weekends he is working witht the animals. He was smiling as he was laying in the grass wathing the sun go down over the hills.
I really hope I can go back some other time to meet more of these fantastic people.

Now I have to create another blog for the photojournalistic project we are doing in uni, so that I can upload these pictures there.

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